Meaningful hints can be found anywhere for whoever keeps their eyes open and their mind alert and sharp.
Here comes a man living up to his name! Well, it is going to be biblical....!
Not suggesting that our Creator would need something up his sleeve, just a hint that no matter how things look like, the last saying will always be with the Big Boss and he knows who his faithful servants are.
One small letter and the whole outlooks can change
Bring in this "F" for Freedom, Faith, Fearlessness...
Fiercly Fighting for a Fortunate Fulfilled Future, Fellow Freedom-Lovers
what we stand, strive and are willing to fight for!
#Truth #Freedom #Justice #Faith #Family #Integrity
#Dignity #Courage #Boldness #Fairness #Responsibity
#Kindness #Service
...and cherish this one magnificent life!
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